♥ Autumn's current reading list: Late July
The Young Colonists-G.A.Henty.
The Robe-Lloyd C. Douglas.
The Complete Father Brown-G.K.Chesterton.
Redskin and Cowboy-G.A.Henty.
Pride And Prejudice-Jane Austen.
John of the Sirius-Doris Chadwick.
Johann Gutenberg-Michael Pollard.
God King-Joanne Williamson.
Elsie at the Worlds Fair-Martha Finley
A Television Studio-R.J.Unstead.
♥ Eden's Current Reading List: Late July
Arctos the Grizzly - Rhoda Leonard.
Dear America: The Girl who Chased Away Sorrow - Ann Turner
Escape to Murray River - Robert Elmer
History of Costume - Tim Healey
Saint Francis of the Seven Seas - Albert J. Nevins
The Dash for Kartoum - G.A.Henty
The Little Duke - Charlotte Yonge
The Queen's Cup - G. A .Henty
The Royal Diaries: Cleopatra the 7th Daughter of the Nile - Kristiana Gregory.
The Shadow of the Bear - By Regina Doman

♥ Vellvin's Current Reading List: Late July
Anne of Green Gables-L.M.Montgomery
Catholic tales for Boys and Girls -Caroline Houslander
Children of Summer-Margaret J. Anderson
Eragon-Christopher Paolini
In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce- G.A.Henty
Nzingha Warrior: Queen of Matamba- Patricia Mckissack
Peter Pan- James M.Barrie
Saint Catherine Laboure - Alma Power-Waters
Spain is my country -Bernice and Cliff Moon
The Cat of Bubastes- G.A.Henty
The Reb and the Redcoats - Constance Savery
Two at Sullivan Bay - Nance Donkin
♥ Saxon's Current Reading List: Late July
A first guide to Russia - Kath Davies
Beau Geste - P.C.Wren
Cleared for Action - Stephen W. Meader
Gift and Mystery - Pope John Paul 2nd
Julie of the Wolves - Jean Craighead George
One of the 28th - G.A.Henty
The Bushrangers - William Joy and Tom Prior
The Red Badge of Courage - Stephen Crane
With Buller in Natal - G.A.Henty

Rogan's Reading List: Late July
Babushka's Mother Goose -Patricia Polacco
Daniels Duck - Clyde Robert Bulla
Kaya and the River Girl - Janet Beeler Shaw
Little Grey Rabbit's Washing Day - Alison Uttley
Peter and Lotta's Adventure - Elsa Beskow
Tales of Trotter Street - Shirley Hughes
The Apple and the Arrow - Conrad Buff
The Courage of Sarah Noble - Alice Dalgliesh
The Festival of Stones: Autumn and Winter Tales - Reg Down
The Littles - John Peterson

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