Most of the kinks have been worked out of the schedules and finding resources.
They have enjoyed the Geography programme I have for them and still loving the History.
Some of the children are going very well with the Human Body study and their Latin. Others know they need to put in a little more effort. You know who you are!
The older ones have found it tiring with the extra work to be done and getting it done along with everyday life. Needless to say we have not got an actual cleaning schedule started yet.....clean as you go is the way at the moment.
Autumn created flash cards for the bones of the body...very creative idea honey. Well Done.
I have to still get Rogan's work all set out how I am going to do this.
As I have had to drive and pick up Braedon with work this week with Kynan away , this has made it a bit hard to keep the little girls work happening on the plan we had set up.
Bedtime routine is going well most nights but really requires a lot of preparation and planning to make it work well. However if we miss it Corbyn especially asks for 'milk and toast."
We have finished "F Week" as much as we will. WE did not cover most of what I wanted but both the girls can write and recognise the letter so we will move on to G Week next week.
We did complete some fun activities, read lots of books and said lots of finger plays and songs.
We did not do a lot of written or colouring in work this time.
The girls really enjoyed this time together and I can see them mastering the letters with this approach.
We did try to make play doh (missing a vital ingredient, so was postponed till today) and made edible paint to finger paint with so we could 'finger paint' for F Week.
We still haven't manged to get our afternoon sessions of Orchard House Circle or Scribbling Squires happening or Poor Box toys.
We did attempt to participate in Our Lady of Lourdes celebration but it didn't go well......a very bad day in other respects.
I noticed that it is very different again with the added situation of Kynan being away. I need to get Braedon driving so we are not just dependent on me driving when Kynan and Stephen are not here.
We have swapped Saxon and Eden on daily chores. Saxon is back on morning tea as he is a reliable early riser and Eden is now on washing, she does a great job on this too.
That is all I can remember at the moment.

1 comment:
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog! I can't remember where my friend said she got the red work embroidery patterns for her quilt, but I'll ask her and edit the post. :-)
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