Lingua Mater
Grammar Land (finish)
Grammar for Dummies (library resource)
Words from Dictionary
The Essential Spelling List - Fred J Schonell
Memorise approx 8 per term (to be chosen each week)
A 4-5 stanza poem should be able to be memorised in a week
Inspirational Speeches eg Michael Collins, William Wallace etc
Copywork of set Scripture or inspirational quote in both manuscript and cursive.
Improve Cursive using one of our resources in the style you prefer
The Fallacy Detective: Nathaniel Bluedorn (when purchased thanks Erin)
Writing Analysis:
Windows to the World (when purchased thanks Erin)
Read, listen and watch over the year - Hamlet, MacBeth, A Midsummer's Night Dream, The Merchant of Venice
using the resources below
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare - Edith Nesbit
Tales From Shakespeare Charles and Mary Lamb
Shakespeare for Children – Jim Wiess (Audio)
In Search of Shakespeare - library resource
Shakespeare Works - library resource
Library resources as available
Blog Posts or journal 2 entries per week
Letters to Pen friends, brothers away and others
Continue to write out own creative stories
Sparrow Post notes
Assigned Reading: 2 from each category below for each term
The Children of Fatima - Mary Fabyan Windeat
Saint Paul the Apostle - Mary Fabyan Windeat
Saint Hyacinth of Poland - Mary Fabyan Windeat
Saint Francis Solano - Mary Fabyan Windeat
Mother Seton - Mary Fabyan Windeat
Patron Saint of First Communicants - Mary Fabyan Windeat
Saint Margaret Mary - Mary Fabyan Windeat
Saint John Masias - Mary Fabyan Windeat
Nature or Science:
Freckles - Gene Stratton-Porter
Gentle Ben - Walt Morey
Two Little Savages - Ernest Thompson Seton
Laddie - Gene Stratton-Porter
A Girl of the Limberlost - Gene Stratton-Porter
The Young Livingston - Patrick Pringle
Fabre's Book of Insects - Jean Henri Fabre
The Garden and Forest Behind Grandpop's House - Vincent Iezzi
Anne of Avonlea - L M Montgomery
Anne of the Island - L M Montgomery
Anne of Windy Poplars - L M Montgomery
Anne of Ingelside - L M Montgomery
Rainbow Valley - L M Montgomery
Rilla of Ingelside - L M Montgomery
Pride and Predjedice - Jane Austen
The Hobbit - J R R Tolkien
G.A. Henty:
Wulf the Saxon
The Lion of St Mark
Under Wellington's Command
A Knight of the White Cross
At Agincourt
At Aboukir and Acre
By Conduct and Courage
Beric The Brition
Australian : See below in Australian History
Information Reading:
Arthur Mee Encyclopedia
Newnes Encyclopedia
Other non-fiction from Home Library
The First Christians - Marigold Hunt
St Patrick's Summer - Marigold Hunt
Church History - Father John Laux
The Faith Explained - Leo J Trese
A Philadelphia Catholic in King James Court and use the Study Guide with this
Credo (Printed notes)
Memorise The list of important facts on printed sheet
Read from Catholic Culture and be able to talk about it intelligently
The Catholic Guide for Boys
Story of the World 4 - The Modern Age
Supplementary books from Home Library
Australian History:
History of Australia- Manning Clark, Meredith Hooper and Susanne Ferrier (spine)
The Australian Book -Eve Pownell (Interesting Note this is a new edition and varies dramatically from the old edition called 'We live in Australia' published in 1966. My initial reaction is that it is a 'politically corrected' book.
Write and illustrate, map information
Supplementary Reading ( 2 or more per term): this is part of your Assigned Reading
Man-Shy - Frank Dalby Davison
A Saddle at Bonthatambo - H J Samuel
The Bushrangers - William Joy and Tom Prior
A Little Bush Maid- Mary Grant Bruce
Southern Rainbow - Phyllis Piddington
Bakers Dozen -Celia Syred
The Smugglers Den - Jeff Townsend
Dux Mental Arithmetic -K. Perrett and E. Whiting
Betty and Jim Mental Arithmetic A.A. Parkes
Quick Practice Maths- K E Couchman, S B Jones, W Nay
Figue it out It Our Thinking like a Math Problem Solver - Sandra R Cohen (
The Mathematical Toolbox- Rosamond Welchman-Tischler
Read Living Maths books from Home Library
Board games and card games and puzzles
Term 1:
Exploring The World of Physics-John Hudsen Tiner
Exploring the World of Mathmatics-John Hudsen Tiner
Term 2:
Exploring The World of Chemistry -John Hudsen Tiner
Exploring The World of Medicine-John Hudsen Tiner
Exploring Planet Earth-John Hudsen Tiner
Term 3:
Geology - focusing on precious metals stones, mining etc
Term 4:
Biology (Kids Bilogy Site) and Anatomy Home library and using library resources, (add in names when they arrive on interlibrary loan)
Nature Study:
A)Keep a Nature Notebook all year. B)As part of this try to have an area or tree or other that you can document the change of with the seasons.
Using the books below divided into 4 terms - read, illustrate, and write information about them
Term 1: Key guide to Australian Wildflowers- Leonard Cronin
Term 2: The Complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia - Michael F Braby
Term3 : A Field Guide to Insects in Australia - Paul Zborowski and Ross Story
Term 4: Field Guide to the Birds of Australia - Ken Simpson
Watch Science and Nature DVDs eg Steve Irwin, Mythbusters, MacGyver etc and Magic School Bus (by your request)
Learn to about computers Including webcam, blogs, email, online chat, google sites webpages, Word, Excel, power point presentation
Create your own website for a specific purpose (eg a business)
Use parts to rebuilt computers
Learn about computer software/programming
Use the ' For Dummies' books as we get from the library
Road Trip Around Australia:
This involves choosing a destination for a 'holiday' and the route to take to get there. You will document the distance between towns, any significant physical landmarks and made made historical or cultural landmarks. You will chart your way and record information on the towns you pass through including population, what state it is etc.
Mapping and memorising
Use online and Home library Resources
Have a map to pinpoint the towns on
Watch DVDs of Michael Palin and his various travels around the world. Keep a world pin point map of the various places he visits
Around the World Trip:
Similar to the Australian one
Use online and Home library resources
Listen to The Masters Series
Classical Kids Collection Vol 1 and Vol 2
Piano and Guitar Lessons (self teach)
Ballroom Dancing - use the DVD we have
Continue to learn new Hymns and songs
One Art picture a week for Picture Study (Charlotte Mason style)
Term 1:
Robert Duncan
Term 2:
Jessie Wilcox Smith
Term 3:
Thomas Kinkade
Van Gough
Term 4:
John Constable
Tom Roberts
Draw from approved sources
Draw/colour/paint own designs and creations
Live Mocha
Library resources (waiting for them to arrive- update when have)
Creative writing
All Year Round
The Children's Year
Global Art MaryAnn F Kohl
Discovering Great Atrtists
Craft Basket and Nature Study Basket books from on my Book Blog
(Weekly breakdown to follow)

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