I expect that they will make great leaps with their reading moving from Peter and Jane books to independent reading on their own.
As they progress I expect more fluent writing of their narrations and able to record new findings. I think they are really ready to make the jump to more involved and interesting learning
Unit Study: American Girl Study - Kaya
Science and Nature with Eden -
Magic School Bus
Steve Irwin
Magic School Bus
Nature Study outside observing and drawing observations
Maths with Saxon-
Simply Numbers
Maths picture books
Read Alouds-
Caddie Woodlawn - History
The Wind in the Willows - nature
All of a kind Family- Classic
The Cottage at Bantry Bay - Night Read aloud
Lots of picture books for snuggle time still
Maths -
Gnome Maths
Oak meadow maths
Funnix Maths
reading aloud
Peter and Jane
Little Bear and friends
Funnix Reading
Lessons in Language
Poetry- book -memory and write out and draw picture
Alphabet Glue
Summer craft ideas
Any other birthday gifts and interested crafts
Seasonal craft preparations and gifts
Appreciation - look at art picture and narrate
Learning- copy artists and form drawing, waldorf drawing
Painting- water colour and
Music Appreciation - Masters Series
Classic Collection Vol 1 and Vol 2
Singing, finger plays,
Spelling -
All About Spelling
Word Family activities
Handcraft -
basic embroidery, cross stitch, knitting
First communion Preparations for Myffwyn and Moran can review
Liturgical year preparations and feast day plans
Catechesis of Good Shepherd
Scripture memory
Mass responses learn all
Home Economics-
cooking and baking

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