The Magic School Bus Makes a Rainbow
Rainbow Fish
Rainbow Fish to the Rescue
The Rainbow Goblins
Rainbow Magic
Play with our wooden rainbow and coloured wooden puzzles
Make a cloud from a paperplate and hang crepe paper streamers down to represent the rainbow colours
Make a salt dough rainbow
Make a paper rainbow
Make a felt rainbow from felt one on top of the other
circle Rainbow template
Rainbow fish colouring page
Rainbow colouring page
Paint paddle pop sticks into rainbow shapes
Use coloured pipecleaners and match the beads to it to form a rainbow
sort buttons into rainbow colours
Hoop Rainbow
Rainbow in a Jar- three ingredients, jar, salt and coloured chalk
Make Pavement Chalk
Make Rainbow Crayons (here is a guide if you don't know how)
Rainbow Pudding Pops
Make a Rainbow cake (use this as a guide perhaps)
you tube ideas-
Sing a rainbow Song
How do rainbows form
How is a rainbow formed
Does it need rain and sun?

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