Moran and Myffwyn's Daily Learning Plans:
♥ Circle time
- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
- Christopherous first grade
1. story and work
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- chalkboard writing
- CHC cards
- learn poem
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- matching game
- cutting and gluing
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥Nature and Science...
-mummy read nature book
1. draw picture
2. label picture
-Christopherus first grade
- do activities
-Mummy read aloud from math picture boooks
- counting with shells
- counting on 100 bead string
- write numbers down
- use cusineer rods
- Montessori math activities
-Mummy read Flower Fairy story from Serendipity
1. Cut out or draw the plant
2.Label or write sentence.

♥ Circle time
- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
Oak Meadow
1. story and work
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- chalkboard writing
- CHC cards
- learn poem
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- matching game
- cutting and gluing
- practise writing with Jan Brett letters
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥ Geography...
- listen to any stories
- colour in maps
- do passport
- listen to online stories
- do any craft
♥ Maths...
-Oak Meadow first grade
- counting with counters
- counting into groups with counters
- match number with , counters and cards
- form drawing
- do measuring with steps etc
- Montessori math activities
♥ Science and Nature...
-do simple science experiment

♥ Circle time
- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
- Serendipity -Mrs Applebee
1. story and work
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- practise writing - Jan Brett
- CHC cards
- word families
- finding colour or letter things, eg 7 blue things or 4 things that start with c
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- cutting and gluing
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥ Indian Unit Study...
- do any colouring
- listen to stories
- do any crafts
- look at books
- Gnomes and Gnumbers
- counting with jewels
- first lesson in numbers
- write numbers down
- match number cards
- card games ie, concentration
- Montessori math activities
♥ Science and Nature...
- Mummy read Science book
1. draw picture
- nature walk
1. collect items to bring back and draw
♥ Cathecism...
-CGS presentation
-mummy read various catechism books
-learn set prayers
♥ Art and Music...
- listen to the Music appreciation CD
- look at Art work and memorise

♥ Circle time
- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
- Waldorf Homeschooling Series-Melissa Nielson
1. story and work
- Waldorf letters form books: photocopied
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- chalkboard writing
- CHC cards
- learn poem
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- matching game
- cutting and gluing
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥ Handcrafts...
- learn to finger knit
- do basic button hole stitch around doll etc
- needle felting
- Dorothy Harrer
- Saxon maths pages
- threading
1. matching patterns
2. random
-sorting into
1. colours
2.types etc
- finding amount counting game eg; 4 spoons,
- Montessori math activities
-Mummy read Flower Fairy story from Serendipity
1. Cut out or draw the plant
2.Label or write sentence.

♥ Circle time
- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
- Ruth Beechick three books series
1. story and work
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- chalkboard writing
- CHC cards
- learn poem
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- Candy land game
- Guess Who game
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥ Art and Craft...
- do waldorf painting
- free style painting
- look at Artist paintings and memorise.
-Melissa Nielson maths stuff
- other books on amthsie, The Maths tool box etc.
- mummy read maths picture book
- counting with shells
- counting on 100 bead string
- make specific groups
- do basic word problems
- write numbers down
- use cusineer rods
- Montessori math activities
♥ Nature...
-read books on birds etc
- go for nature walk
♥ Handcraft...
- embroidery
- paper craft
♥ Cathecism...
- listen to readings for Sunday
- Mummy reads Maria Montessori Mass book
Work Hard Girls ☺☺

- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
- Christopherous first grade
1. story and work
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- chalkboard writing
- CHC cards
- learn poem
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- matching game
- cutting and gluing
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥Nature and Science...
-mummy read nature book
1. draw picture
2. label picture
-Christopherus first grade
- do activities
-Mummy read aloud from math picture boooks
- counting with shells
- counting on 100 bead string
- write numbers down
- use cusineer rods
- Montessori math activities
-Mummy read Flower Fairy story from Serendipity
1. Cut out or draw the plant
2.Label or write sentence.

♥ Circle time
- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
Oak Meadow
1. story and work
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- chalkboard writing
- CHC cards
- learn poem
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- matching game
- cutting and gluing
- practise writing with Jan Brett letters
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥ Geography...
- listen to any stories
- colour in maps
- do passport
- listen to online stories
- do any craft
♥ Maths...
-Oak Meadow first grade
- counting with counters
- counting into groups with counters
- match number with , counters and cards
- form drawing
- do measuring with steps etc
- Montessori math activities
♥ Science and Nature...
-do simple science experiment

♥ Circle time
- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
- Serendipity -Mrs Applebee
1. story and work
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- practise writing - Jan Brett
- CHC cards
- word families
- finding colour or letter things, eg 7 blue things or 4 things that start with c
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- cutting and gluing
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥ Indian Unit Study...
- do any colouring
- listen to stories
- do any crafts
- look at books
- Gnomes and Gnumbers
- counting with jewels
- first lesson in numbers
- write numbers down
- match number cards
- card games ie, concentration
- Montessori math activities
♥ Science and Nature...
- Mummy read Science book
1. draw picture
- nature walk
1. collect items to bring back and draw
♥ Cathecism...
-CGS presentation
-mummy read various catechism books
-learn set prayers
♥ Art and Music...
- listen to the Music appreciation CD
- look at Art work and memorise

♥ Circle time
- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
- Waldorf Homeschooling Series-Melissa Nielson
1. story and work
- Waldorf letters form books: photocopied
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- chalkboard writing
- CHC cards
- learn poem
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- matching game
- cutting and gluing
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥ Handcrafts...
- learn to finger knit
- do basic button hole stitch around doll etc
- needle felting
- Dorothy Harrer
- Saxon maths pages
- threading
1. matching patterns
2. random
-sorting into
1. colours
2.types etc
- finding amount counting game eg; 4 spoons,
- Montessori math activities
-Mummy read Flower Fairy story from Serendipity
1. Cut out or draw the plant
2.Label or write sentence.

♥ Circle time
- Mummy read bible -listen and draw /write sentence
- Ruth Beechick three books series
1. story and work
- sand paper letters
- corn meal writing
- chalkboard writing
- CHC cards
- learn poem
- learn memory verse
- Montessori practical life activity
- Candy land game
- Guess Who game
- Mummy read stories aloud
♥ Art and Craft...
- do waldorf painting
- free style painting
- look at Artist paintings and memorise.
-Melissa Nielson maths stuff
- other books on amthsie, The Maths tool box etc.
- mummy read maths picture book
- counting with shells
- counting on 100 bead string
- make specific groups
- do basic word problems
- write numbers down
- use cusineer rods
- Montessori math activities
♥ Nature...
-read books on birds etc
- go for nature walk
♥ Handcraft...
- embroidery
- paper craft
♥ Cathecism...
- listen to readings for Sunday
- Mummy reads Maria Montessori Mass book


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