♥ Rogan's Daily Plans and Activities:
♥ Read Bible daily
- morning and evening prayers
- 12 noon Angelus
- 3 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet
- Rosary in Evening

♥ MATHS...
- Times tables (every day)
- Profax
- Waldorf Maths
- Gnomes and Numbers
- First Lesson in Numbers
- Form drawing
- other maths books eg. pentominoes etc
- Spelling (test on Friday)
- learn poem (test on Friday)
- learn memory verse (test on Friday)
- Copy work
- Voyages in Language
- Lessons in English ...Dorothy Harrer
- Read aloud to someone
- Read aloud to younger child

- Read Nature book
- Read Animal book:
Write about animal
Draw picture
- Science experiement from book 2x week
- Read about the flower fairies from Mrs Applebee
- Draw a four square and write
1. Botanical information
2. Plant Indications
3. Folklore
4. Draw Plant

- do assigned parts of Unit study as directed by Mummy
- Africa: Serendipity and Marilyn's Study
- do map work and reading.
♥ CRAFT...
- make craft and Random interesting things

- Acorn Grove submission
- Listen to weekly Music Appreciation CD
- Music Practice
- Music Lesson
- Do the weekly Art lesson
- CGS presentation
- Bible: read, write and draw
- First Communion preparation- read and narrate
Work Hard Rogan ☺☺

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