Of course with Moran's seizure and hospital visit we really didn't get a start until Wednesday.
They were especially keen to start the Spiderwick study and did a good amount of work on this.
However the weekly testing items were not followed up at all except for the poetry which is a part of the Spiderwick study as well.
There is a fair bit of writing and English work in this and so we are not following Voyages in Literature or others like it.
The only one to follow maths up at all was Saxon and I really need to get better at getting this done with the children.
We did manage to go on a couple of Nature walks and gatherings and had a lovely time with this.
The children also did and impromptu play with filming after dressing up and having definite characters and a plot. They then filmed this on Saxons camera. If only we could buy a video camera I am sure they could produce some great action.
Rogan finished reading the Littles today and was very proud of himself. I need to think up a way to get him to read more, he certainly is able it just doesn't grab him yet. He really would rather do craft and writing stories to illustrate. He did a lot of the spiderwick study himself.
The little ones were fairly independent and after speaking to the doctor I am re thinking our approach to Moran and to Myffwyn also.
Reading aloud was not very well done this week either and I think it was just a week that started off not well and didn't progress past average at all.
I have reminded the children that all Assigned reading must be completed by the end of the month. They tend to get slack and read other books instead.
The Squires Page Series has been read a lot this week by the older girls along with Lucky Luke and other library books.
I am working out plans for the Little Women Study-- at this stage called Orchard House Circle and think I should do one for Saxon especially something along the lines of Rangers for the King perhaps.
We are also contemplating a return to Shakespeare using some of the new resources and reading aloud for the plays after reading Lamb or Nesbit.
We have enough reading people to do this quite successfully and think we will do this once a week and call it Fancy....Shakespeare!
The girls have along with Rogan been posting on their blogs fairly often as well. I still think this is a great way for them to improve their english in all manner of ways.
Some people have been working on Christmas presents as well.
1 comment:
Do you use credit card? David tells me I now have finally enough points to get a video camera! Although I'm considering waiting to get more points for a better one.
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