The times are just guidelines- I have never been a great believer in sticking too closely to times but more as a rhythm to our day.
~ DAILY SCHEDULE ~ (At least this is my goal for this year... We'll see how it goes!)
Morning Learning: over Breakfast
- 24 Family Ways
- Book of Virtues: read a story
- Bible Story
- Saint of the Day
- Daily Intentions
- Singing Hymns
~ Sensory Programme every 2 hours
~ OT exercises during break times as needed as well as Pre circle time, pre lunch, and pre dinner.
(Friday mornings we will go to Mass )
-Morning Prayer Saint of the Day- review from Breakfast
-Once upon a Time Saints: Ethel Pochocki
- Read: Little Suzy Stories: Elizabeth Prentiss
Review Days of the week, months, seasons and weather.
Seasonal Songs from-A Journey through Time in Verse and Rhyme
and learn poem from
-Poetry :
Rhymes for Annie Rose: Shirley Hughes
A Child's Garden of verses: RL Stevenson
- Seasonal Bible Story (Advent/Jesse Tree; Lent/Jesus Tree; Easter/Garden of the Good Shepherd) or just a favourite one
Religion Lesson using one of the following: (one per day)
-Angel Food Story
-Mary's White League Level 1: Ann Frost
- CGS presentations- Home Catechises: Moira Farrell
-Catholic Mosaic: Cay Gibson: Use the monthly ideas for working in the Liturgical Notebook
Preparation for Mass on Sunday:
Mummy read the readings and these books
Saints and Feast Days -Sisters of Notre Dame
Companion to the Calendar - Mary Ellen Hynes
Celebrating the Gospels - Gaynell Cronin
-or other Liturgical Year Picture Book; Religious Reading / Devotional Story
-Liturgical Hymn
9:00-10:00 MORNING LESSON BLOCK #1 ::
- Read Aloud: The Orphelines- Natalie Savage Carlson
-30 mins time with older children
- activities from prepared "Montessori List"
- poetry
Alphabet Path
Presentation of Letter Formation using Modeling Beeswax and HWT style Homemade pieces
Read the Letter page and discuss the letters and various words/sounds from these books:
Serendipity Story for the Letter
A Stands for Angel - Joan Gale Thomas
The Sunday Alphabet of Animals - Aunt Kate
A is for Altar, B is for Bible - Judith Lang Main
An Alphabet of Catholic saints - Brenda and George Nippen
Museum ABC- The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Complete Book of the Family Fairies- Cecily Mary Barker
Waldorf Alphabet Book -Famke Zonneveld
Letters from Heaven- Susan Kelly von Medicus
LMNOP-Howard Schrager
Aa Apple - Rose Isabella Stark
All in the Woodland Early Jane Yolan
G is for Goat - Patricia Polacco
Saints Lives and Illuminations - Ruth Sanderson
More Saints Lives and Illuminations - Ruth Sanderson
- Flower Fairy Coloring Page
- copying of letter into main lesson book and tracing letter
Tuesday: Read Picture Books and Coloring Pages and/or Worksheets
Wednesday: Read Fairy Tales based on Letter of the week
Thursday: More picture books, painting and Crafts and from weekly list
Friday: Cooking using the letter of the week for a guide
Math (30 min)using below as a guide ~
Simply Numbers- Shoelace Books
A First Lesson in Numbers-Benjamin Greenleaf
Gnomes and Numbers- Serendipity
story problems
Counting, by 1, 10 5, 2 up to100 eventually
counting games- snakes and ladders, ludo, monopoly junior, dominoes, lotto,
dice adding up numbers
counting things, grouping things like shells, bears, acorns
use the 'mind' games we have like Camelot Junior etc
recognise the numerals and the amount of the numeral
measurement using a ruler
11:30-1:00 LUNCH BREAK ::
Free Play
Angelus at Noon
Help clear and lunch sports with other kids
Read Aloud if want and/or need as well as daily below:
Monday – Nature Walk, nature notebook and quiet time
Tuesday – Australian Wildlife - Sharon Mengerson and favourite picture books and quiet time
Wednesday – Hand crafts, music appreciation and quiet time
Thursday – Liturgical year crafts, nature notebook and quiet time (Lent a Journey Towards Easter -Lap Books for Catholics)
Friday – Life Skills and sports and quiet time
- dinner
- Rosary/ Bible Story/ Family Read Aloud
BED TIME ROUTINE~ From Amy Caroline ( we will try this and see how it goes)
(Older children do Dinner Clean up and own bed time preparations)
After dinner baths and into Pj's
Family read aloud and prayer time
Mummy get snack ready - warm milk with cinnamon and toast with honey.
Teeth and toilet time
Go to Mummy and Daddy's room, candles have been lit and crawl in under covers and read Bedtime bag books.
Special Mummy prayers: the ones I say with them every night and Guardian Angel and own little prayers.
Blow out candles and go to own beds8:00: FREE TIME
Older children have free time for personal pursuits and games etc and then go to bed at set times
1 comment:
I know that this is rather late to be commenting on the but I'm James Frost and it was my mother (Ann Frost)who wrote the activity books for Mary's White League.
She did release Level 2 but she hasn't been able to finish Level 3 as she had some problems with her heart and lungs. I found your blog a little while ago and when I told her that somebody was using her book she was thrilled. She also offered to try and find a copy of Level 2 if she still has it and the unfinished Level 3 if you could use them.
So thank you for making my Mother's day and if you could keep her in your prayers it would be great.
God Bless,
James Frost
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