Sunday, August 7, 2011

Rogan's New Assigned Reading

I have been a bit slack in requiring Assigned Reading and the recording of that reading too. The children read so much anyway, but I dolike to have them cover the 'lesson topics' Hopefully we will ge the  next lists up now!

Rogans assinged reading .
The Cat of Bubastes by G. A. Henty .
My Side of the Mountain by Jean George .
The lion, The witch and the wardrobe by C. S. Lewis .
St Maximilian Kolbe (Mary' Knight) by Patricia Edward Jablonski.
Gully of Gold by Mavis Thorpe Clark .         
Chicken-Keeping .by Katie Thear.
Raising a Calf for Beef by Phyllis Hobson .
Sheepkeeping on Small Scale by Edward Hart.
Raising Milk Goats the Modern Way by Jerry belanger.
Pigs by Ralph wWitlock.

Free Reading: The Rage Tide - The Mismantle Chronicles M. I. McAllister


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