The major theme will be taken from the Mini Series Hornblower as a base and using other books, DVDs and on line research to support this topic.
The Hornblower Series contains 8 episodes and to start with one episode will span approximately 2 weeks of study.
As a way of recording knowledge of this time period the following ways of recording will be a part of each episode of book review
1. Person - either an actual historical figure from this time period or from the DVD episode
( a narration of who and what the episode was about)
2. Place - again either actual historical or from the episode and how it may have been real
3. Thing - muskets, cannons, ships, maps, etc either real or from the episode
While using the three types of recording knowledge it needs to be spread over three area of actual recording:
1. Written narration
2. Drawing, sketching, map making, painting etc
3. Making of miniatures and other objects to show working knowledge
Naval Study Information -
G. A. Henty Books-
A roving Commission
By Conduct and Courage
At Abukir and Acre
In Greek Waters
With Cochrane the DauntlessMidshipmen Quinn Series - Showell Styles
Cleared for Action - Stephen W Meader
Hornblower books by C S Forester
1.Watch the Hornblower series on Monday Night - take notes on topics of interest
2. Research the information you are interested in from your note taking and use the methods above to complete your work assignments
3.Then start to read through your book choices and
NB if you find you have run out of ideas before 2 weeks do not feel you need to complete the two weeks before moving on.
By the same token if you require more time than 2 weeks to cover all you wish to learn then keep working till you are happy with your knowledge
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