Homeschool: Free or cheap homeschool ideas ...
I saw this (via Elizabeth's sharing) on Two Thirds Unschooling and it looks like a great list/resource. Before looking at this list and spending hours (and tons of money) printing out everything you see: PLEASE, PLEASE use discretion ... sometimes it's cheaper to find a hard-copy of these resources, or some of the information on these pages is erroneous or doesn't agree with your world-view. Please use discretion. If there are any sites that you know of that are free or inexpensive, please let me know and I'll add them. In this economy (especially if you dh work for the Catholic Church) free or cheap is a real bonus!
Early Learning:
1. Starfall - Teaches alphabet and early reading skills.
2. Brightly Beaming Resources - Letter of the week, sound of the week, science of the week, etc. This is a good all-around site for early learning.
3. Rhyme a week
4. Enchanted Learning - Not really free, but a lot can be accessed without paying (membership is $20 donation/year per family)
Whole Curriculum:
1. Ambleside Online - Charlotte Mason. Wonderful resource that includes lots of info and is really a full curriculum option. Great booklist!
2. An Old-Fashioned Education - Another really complete option. LOTS of stuff to look at and use here!
3. Puritans' Home School - I have heard good things, but have never used this. VERY religious site, but it does appear pretty complete.
4. Core Knowledge lesson plans - Tons of lesson plans on lots of subjects from PK-8. I have not used this, but it looks really good.
5. Homeschooling section (not really a whole curriculum, but TONS of stuff)
6. Tanglewood Education
7. The Baltimore Project
8. PASS Materials (FL)
9. Paula's Archives
10. EdSITEment
11. Mater Amabilis (Catholic Charlotte Mason Curriculum)
Unit Studies:
1. Homeschool Share - Lots and lots and LOTS of projects and unit studies.
2. A Journey Through Learning Inventor unit study and lapbook. Click on Free products
3. H.I.P. Pocket Change. Several Lesson Plans revolving around money
4. Homeschool Helper
5. Oceanography
6. SCORE Cyberguides
7. Eyes
8. Birds Notebooking pages
9. Nature Study
10. Canada
1. Ray's Arithmetic - 1885 math book on google books. Thorough and "back to basics". (click on the icon on the page and scroll down to read/print)
2. CSMP materials - K-6
3. First Lessons in Arithmetic - 1878 math text
4. NC public school math program K-2
5. Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (UK) - AKA MEP
6. Living Math History (lessons on right)
7. Pearson Scott Foresman K-5
8. Geogebra (Algebra and Geometry)
9. Oakes Math
10. Eduplace printable workbooks activities that coordinate with this program
11. Middle/High school math
12. McDougal Littell Math Course
13. Missouri Schools program (including TM/answers)
14. Glencoe Workbooks
15. Public Schools of NC math program
Math Drill:
1. Math Magician Games
2. Printable math worksheets
3. Math U See (online)
4. Math worksheets to create and print (some portions pay)
5. Timez Attack (multiplication video game - way cool) - basic is free
6. Harcourt activities
7. Learn to play chess (I guess this is math...haha)
1. Word Mastery
2. Starfall (learn to read online)
3. Blend Phonics
4. Sadler-Oxford
5. Progressive Phonics
6. Society for Quality Education http://www.societyforqualityeducatio...stairway2.html/
Literature/Reading Guides and Units:
1. Novel Study Guides for the Classroom Teacher
2. Reading Units by Gay Miller
3. Garden of Praise
4. Glencoe Literature Guides
5. Literature Activity Guides by Nancy Polette - These are samples, but are in depth enough to test if your child understood the story.
6. SCORE Cyberguides (California schools)
7. Dangerous Journey (Pilgrim's Progress for kids version) study guide
8. Course in nature study: for grades one and two - Detroit Public Schools
9. Nature-study: a manual for teachers and students
10. Readquarium (mostly games)
11. Harcourt GuidesGrade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
12. National Park Service
Free Books:
1. Classical Education Library
2. Kids4Classics
3. Project Gutenberg
4. Online Library of Liberty
5. Google Books
6. The Baldwin Project
7. Planet eBook
8. 19th Century Schoolbooks
9. Librivox - Free online audiobooks
10. Storynory - Free online audiobooks
11. Free Books online
12. Magic Keys
13. Fun Brain
14. Interactive Story Bookshttp://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch...nlinestory.htm/
15. Stories about American Heroes
1. Dick Blick Lessons
2. Meet the Masters
3. A Lifetime of Color
4. Teach Art at Home
Teacher helps (planning/support):
1. Donna Young - Tons of planning stuff, including some things like handwriting
2. Homeschool Inc. - Online planning software (very versatile)
3. Homeschool Tracker (planning software - basic free, full pay)
4. Online Lesson Planner, Scheduler, and Tracker
5. Super Teacher Worksheets. Lots of well done worksheets for all subject areas. Grade level 1st-4th
6. Free Forms
7. Freebie of the day
8. Currclick. They feature a free product once a week to download. It usually changes Monday afternoons
9. Freely educate. Lots of great links here
10. Hoagies Gifted. Tons of Free high school curriculum links
11. Education World
12. Internet Activities to coordinate with each grade and subject
13. Scholastic
14. Softschools
15. Videos (creationist site -- have not used)
16. Worksheets
17. Charlotte Mason stuff (not all free)
18. FossWeb by Delta Education. Click on the subject, then teacher resources. You will then have to click on Teacher Prep videos for the lessons. Everything else on the page supports the lessons. There are games, worksheets, and many additional resources listed
19. Higher Up and Further In blog
20. Pioneer Woman blog
21. Well-Trained
22. Teacher Tube
1. Engineering for kids ages 8 and up. Single subject lesson plans. Nicely done and easy to understand
2. Earth Awareness Curriculum for Middle Schoolers
3. Life Science Curriculum
4. Otter’s Science
5. K-12 Science
6. Take a Cloud Walk (Cloud unit)
7. Science plans for 6th grade based on the "Prentice-Hall Life Science" book
8. Hands-On Technology Program
9. NASA for educators
10. Science Songs
11. Invitations to Science Inquiry
12. Science Videos
13. Animal Units
14. Animal Activity Packs
15. Videos that demonstrate experiments for every element on the periodic table
16. Click on the element and then on the microphone to hear about the element
17. Inventor's Timeline
18. BODIES, the exhibition ~ includes educator guides for various grade levels from Carnegie Science Center. Even if you aren't interested in the exhibit or pictures of the preserved bodies, there is good info in the guides that can be used for lessons:
Computer Science:
1. Blender 3D animation creation
2. Computer Programming Course
3. Computer Training Courses
4. Computer Animating and Design
1. Online typing Course
2. Dance Mat Typing
3. Touch Typing (Online)
4. Kiran's Typing Tutor
5. Learn2Type
Foreign Language:
1. BBC Languages
2. Elementary/Middle School beginning Spanish. The first book listed is a free download.
3. Greek and Latin
4. FSI Language Courses
5. Live Mocha - This is a social site, so you may want to monitor your kids closely on this one.
6. OFS (Online free spanish)
7. Spanish Unlimited
8. Latin Resources
9. French Resources
10. Boca Beth (Spanish)
11. Salsa (Spanish)
12. Mommy Teach Me Spanish
13. In the Beginning Greek
Home Economics/Life Skills:
1. Future Christian Homemakers (Have not used or looked into this)http://www.futurechristianhomemakers...sonsindex.html/3
2. Notebooking Pages
3. Health and Nutrition:1.
Virtual Field Trips:
1. Take a field Trip
2. Meet Me at the Corner
High School/College (have not used these or looked closely at them):
1. HippoCampus Free Courses
2. Mixed Courses in many subjects
3. Printable Courses in all subject areas. Not sure who funds this one, but I like how the curriculum is laid out
4. University of Berkley Courses. Tons of Free Courses available here
5. Yale University Open Courses. Nicely done and easy to access IMO
6. University of Washington free courses
7. M.I.T. open Courseware. Tons of completely free courses in many subjects
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