♥ The Month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ♥
- 2nd Our Lady of the Angels
- 4th St Dominic
- 5th Dedication of the Basilica of St Mary Major in Rome (Our Lady of the Snows)
- 6th Transfiguration of Our Lord
- 8th Blessed Mary McKillop
- 8th St JohnMary Vianny( The Cure Of Ars)
- 9th St Theresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
- 11th St Philomena
- 12th St Clare of Assisi
- 14th St Maximillian Kolbe
- 14th Vigil of the Assumption
- 15th Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 16th St Joachim
- 17th St Hyacinth of Poland
- 18th St Helena
- 21st St Pius X
- 21st Our Lady of Knock
- 22nd Feast of the Queenship of Mary
- 24th Our Lady, Health of the Sick
- 24th St Bartholomew the Apostle
- 26th Our Lady of Czestochowa
- 27th St Monica
- 28th St Augustine
- 29th Beheading of John the Baptist
- 30th St Rose of Lima

- make sure we have a heap of hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows and our favourite Snowflake cookies.
- make a night of baked potatoes with the works
- try different citrus fruits that are in season
- dry some orange slices for Christmas prepartions
- make some old fashioned 'candies' from books
- have a back to back film feast of our favourite trilogy movies
- start looking at what we need to o for Spring Cleaning ie. washing all the blankets and quilts
- make some Gingerbread cookies( we usually only have these for Christmas so will have to do them quite different.)
-Make Snowmen out of Marshmallow- have a contest to see who makes the best one
- watch my Tasha Tudor DVD's for inspiration and relaxation
- make and wear Aprons of different styles
- make little pinafore aprons for little girls
- check the spring summer clothes and make a list of any future needed purchases
- make a list of books needed for Christmas studies and other Lesson studies
- make the little girls Mob Caps
- make Arwen a Sunbonnet

-Continue to make silk puppets for story telling(Me)
-Make some wooden painted or felt saints
-Make Shadow puppets
-Make silhouettes
-Build a bird house for birds to nest in for spring
-Make some new items for Month of Immaculate Heart of Mary.
-Make some 'mantel letters' for Bookcase display.
-Freshen up the notice board as it looks tired.
-Make the Seasons Round Exchange Projects for sending off
-Make Catkin children on branch
- make fences and railings for young ones play
- make plywood doll houses that string together as rooms
- make wooden dolls for Arwen, carved from branches
- make a large horse type animal for outside for playing on
- continue with making of Christmas presents
- start to make crib figures for Christmas and work on thes over the next few months
- make awnings for playstand
- make a folding play house or camp for little ones
- embroidery workshop

- watch for the migrating birds coming and going.
- observe the changing daily patterns of the Wallabies, possums, water birds, ducks, rabbits, and other small birds we see regularly.
-Choose one Small square and see how nature varies within over a period of 3 weeks

- Make sure Breakfast is started on time with everyone together and the Devotional Readings and Saint for the Day.
- To have Lesson time start on time each day.
- Continue early rising for early night routine
- Have Night time routine down pat: Dinner, clean up, teeth , prepare little ones if not done earlier, Bible Story, Rosary, Night Time Read aloud. Then off to bed for Eden down for Private reading time. Prayers individually and My Good night Prayers with them.
Older children free time (or help get 3 youngest to sleep, not Arwen, if needed) and work on Assignments or free time for personal activities or Reading.
- keep my desk tidy
- have all my lesson plans completed and computer areas tidy
- plan an exercise programme that actually is achievable for all(me included)
- set up an obsticle course for children to navigate when ever they want

- have as many read alouds by the fire as possible
- change the liturgical bookcase to the Immaculate Heart theme.
- change the seasons table and areas to reflect a new look for this last month of winter.
- check liturgical colours for Mr Pine and Altar daily and change them -- rotate whose 'job' this can be.
- continue with 15 minute cleaning jobs and daily chore list
- keep the 5 min tidy up happening

-Finish Indian Study as it isn't progressing well
- Plan together and start a Spiderwick Literature Themed Study
- continue with Africa in Geography(from lesson plans that aren't published yet)
- continue reading at Lunch time--current book The Heroic Messenger
- do circle time EVERY day with little ones
- encourage Rogan's reading
- captivate Moran and Myffwyn's interest in learnign to read.
- prepare Rogan for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion
- have a story telling night with people coming in character, based upon the Medieval ritual of feasting with the bard telling stories.
- adapt Shakespeare Plans to suit our needs
- adapt Liturature for The Young Lady to our needs for the older girls
- especially celebrate St Rose's feast day as this is one of Autumn's confirmation saints.
- also on the 8th as the Cure of Ars is one of our family favourite saints and Saxon is especially looking to him for Confirmation.
- look at the twoPolar regions and compare the two; discover what animals live on each
- make an igloo out of sugar cubles

- 9th Nanny's Birthday
- 13th Stephen's Birthday
- 14th Hans Christian Anderson's Birthday
- 28th Kynan's Birthday
-28th Tasha Tudor Day(we will do this on the 29th)

Have a most enjoyable and Blessed month ♥
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