Here is our complete listing of the Alphabet of Saints to use along with our
Alphabet Path studies,
I used
An Alphabet of Catholic Saints as a guide along with
Jessica's and
Blair's already painted Saints.

A is for St Agnes

B is for St Bernadette

C is for St Cecilia

D is for St Dominic

E is for St Elizabeth Ann Seton

F is for St Francis

G is for St George

H is for St Helen

I is for St Ignatius

J is for St Joseph

K is for St Kateri Tekawitha

L is for St Lucia

M is for St Martin de Porres

N is for St Nicholas

O is for St Odilia

P is for St Patrick

Q is for Queen of Heaven (Mary)

R is for St Rose

S is for St Sharbel

T is for St Therese

U is for St Ursula

Vis for St Vincent de Paul

W is for St Wenceslas

X is for St Francis Xavier

Y is for St Joseph Yuen

Z is for St Zita

The whole Alphabet of Saints

Back views of Saints

More back views of some Saints

Some side views of the Saints

Opposite side view
OH MY!!!!!!!
I'm speechless, in awe, blown away, totally impressed, stunned. Okay perhaps I'm not speechless.
Stupendous Gae!!!!
wow thank you for sharing! they are so inspirational and beautiful and creative! wow! one day I will get the guts to try this- I have some much inspiration around the web!
You are so creative and talented! Thank you for sharing these adorable painted Saints figures :) I will have to keep this in mind for the near future; it will be a wonderful way to teach my (future) children about the Saints!
All are very beautiful. I would try them, I'm collecting some plastic containers to do something similar and use fugure in my religion classes.Gracias.
Thst was AWESOME, Gae!!!!
I haven't heard of a few of them, maybe thats my next project...
Brid xox
I love your alphabet of Saints! I have made some painted saints too: http://www.equippingcatholicfamilies.com/project-portal-saints.html
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