These are Autumn's plans for Term 1.
She will organise a schedule based on these plans and time frames.
Morning Learning: over Breakfast
- 24 Family Ways
- Book of Virtues: read a story
- Bible Story
- Saint of the Day
- Daily Intentions
- Singing Hymns
Lunch Learning- Read aloud over lunch
Evening- Read Picture Bible, Bedtime Bag Books, Chapter book and Rosary
Prayer Pegs: Morning Prayer, Angelus, 3 o'clock prayer, Rosary, Night prayers
Big Kid and little kid time 3o mins daily
English - Lingua Mater: Margot Davidson 3 times week
Writing - The Writers Jungle: Juklie Bogart 2 times a week
Grammar - Karen Andreola approx 5 of the lessons a week as there are about 45 lessons
Logic- Introductory Logic: Douglas J Wilson and James B Nance 2 times a week
Latin: ( we will attempt this again) daily
- English from The Roots up: Joegil K. Lundquist
-Prima Latina: Leigh Lowe
- Lingua Angelica: Cheryl Lowe Learn in Latin
1. Sign of the Cross
2. The Our Father
3. Hail Mary
4. Gloria
5. Table Blessing
6. Glory Be.....
7. Agnes Dei
-Latin with Laughter-Mrs. Sydney Frankenburg .( For fun.)
Poetry: Learn by oral recitations daily
1. Lepanto: G.K. Chesterton
Faith Training:
-Credo lessons- this is an old pamphlet I printed off the net about 1996 and cannot find a link to anymore
approx 3 times a week
- The Mass Explained to Children: Maria Montessori
- The Man who never Died: Rev Gerald T Brennan
Preparation and Participation in various Feast Days
Preparatin for Mass on Sunday: Read the readings and these books
Saints and Feast Days -Sisters of Notre Dame
Companion to the Calendar - Mary Ellen Hynes
Celebrating the Gospels - Gaynell Cronin
History - The Story of the World: Early Modern Times Susan Wise Bauer
and The Story of the World Activity Book Early Modern Times
-9 lessons first term approximately 1 per week.
Maths - 4 times a week
- Maths On Line
- Number Nut - just for fun
-Times Tables on tip of tongue (must know by end of time)
Human Body Study: 2-3 times week
A small Unit Study -Jennifer Steward
-Human Anatomy in full Colour - John Green
- Life Science- Seton programme Chapter 15:Introduction to Systems
11 areas to cover
1. Skeleton and Bones
2. Muscles
3. Spine
4. Brain
5. Nervous System
6. Heart and circulation
7. Skin, Hair, nose, Mouth Throat
8. Eye and Ear
9. Respiratory System
10. Digestive System
11. Internal Organs like stomach, liver intestines etc
12. Urinary System
Science: 3 times a week
-A History of Science- Rebecca Berg
-Big Book of Science: Dinah Zike choose 2 from the book)
- Physics - work through at own pace for the term. Finish this term
Geography- 2 times week
Geography in Seven Months (downloaded)
Geography for fun
Prepare 4 posts per week and pre publish using 1 and 1/2 hours per week to do this
Reading: from prepared list and Assigned reading.
45 min Quiet time/ reading time per day
Assigned reading will consist of
1. Saint book or book about A life of Faith of notable Christan
2. Science
3. Book for Orchard House Circle reading books
4. from Reading list
Life Preparation:
- Orchard House Circle Meeting time Tuesday Night: homework 2 hours on Wednesday
- The Virtue Tree: Sandra Grant
1 lesson per week then move onto
- Life Work: Rick Sarkisian 1 lesson per week
Poor Box Toys Inc - 1 hour per week
Sports -
Term 1: 2 times a week
- Volley ball
Nature Note book- 2 times a week
Music Playing-
Term 1 Learn: Daily
1.Guitar - Vivaldi: Autumn
2. Piano- From Sound of Music 16 going on 17
Music Appreciation -
Term 1: 1 lesson for week other listening at various times
- Vivaldi, Strauss, Beethoven, Bach
2 weeks per composer: listen to Vox Music Master series on each composer and then the rest of the time listen to music while doing jobs and in free time if want to.
Art Work:
Term 1- Sketching 2 times per week.
Lent a Journey Towards Easter -Lap Books for Catholics
Monthly Theme work for Enjoy the Journey Through.....each Month

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